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"If you’re motivated, do it motivated.

If you’re unmotivated, do it unmotivated.

You’ll progress anyway."

All roads lead to Rome

As I remember, the first thing that I really liked in my life was doing sports. In the early years of school I did gymnastics and later karate. Even back then, I imagined that I would later become a trainer, or a sempai when we talk about karate. I was sure about one thing, combining sports with teaching was definitely my thing.

When I was 16, I started dancesport (competitive ballroom dancing) and almost immediately after I was able to create choreographies on my own I started teaching as well. The plan was to become a professional instructor, but university just stepped in the way. My focus changed from sports and teaching to study engineering and later on work in that field.

The beginning

In a few years, I worked my way up to the top in engineering, I became one of the leaders of a manufacturing company. At this time, teaching was present in my life in a different way, in the form of various professional trainings. I tried several different sports during this period, from aerobics to roller skating, but I couldn't really commit to any of them.

In 2018, a fractured ankle changed my life, and I finally started paying attention to what really mattered to me. After recovery, I found pole sports by chance, and after the second lesson I already knew that this would be the form of exercise I would like to teach. In order to become an instructor, I completed a fitness instructor course, but I felt that this knowledge on itself would not be sufficient for my clients to develop continuously and without injury.

The Evolution

In recent years, the trainings followed one another, first I became a personal trainer, later supplemented my knowledge with the tools of yoga and mobility. My trainings have changed completely over the time, instead of perfecting sport-specific movements, improving posture, maintaining health, developing strenght and body awareness have become the main focus. I am constantly looking for new tools and techniques which I can improve my training sessions with, effectively supporting the development of my clients.

What I always say to my clients: The only thing stands between your present self and your goals is YOU. And you’re the only one, who has the power to step on the road towards those goals.

"All roads lead to Rome"

Working together






Landmine Press


Balu Upgraded

Berni & Gabor

BeeZ Trainers

Tomi & Balu

Full power





Lynn & Scott


Balu & Tomi

Wall sit


Mission accomplished



Dori Simon

Personal Trainer

VI. Dessewffy utca 35.
1066 Budapest, Hungary (HU)


IWI - Fitness instructor
IWI - Personal trainer
Yoga instructor
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  Dori Simon - Personal Trainer - Budapest